
  • Bhendi Woman Housing Solutions

    Housing Solutions

    Bhendi Women facilitate cooperative purchasing, cohousing, mortgage bailouts, share housing, temporary housing, etc. This helps women with minimal savings achieve housing security.

  • Alternative Accommodations Bhendi Women

    Alternative Accommodations

    Bhendi Women leverage traditional tourism assets to create pop-up communities with temporary accommodations. We call these Marigold Concept Hotels, and they are located in countries where the cost of living is lower.. This model helps women access discounted long-stay accommodations without need for a lease, and local hoteliers in turn improve annual occupancy and earnings.

  • Belonging Bhendi Women

    Community Belonging

    Bhendi Women foster community connections and a sense of belonging. Restoring dignity and purpose through companionship and cooperative empowerment is critical for overall wellbeing Join our Facebook community, ‘Empty Nester Women Looking to Relocate’ by clicking below.